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Across the Arts concert Ft Dan Barnett & The Stranded assets 01/05

Across the Arts concert Ft Dan Barnett & The Stranded assets 01/05

Goulburn & North East Arts Alliance proudly presents, Across the Arts concert, Saturday 1st of May at The Vine Hotel, North Wangaratta.


Dan Barnett with Jazzaratta and Sweet Buzz

and then The Stranded Assets, Folk Festival Favourite Penelope Swales. 

+ Scorching fiddle player, Kylie Morrigan.

Featuring one of a kind soundsmith from another planet Mal Webb.


Tickets $25 per person,

Doors open 5.30pm for 6.30pm start. Meals, (not included in the ticket price), will be available. Please ad- vise The Vine when you book your tickets at

if you wish to dine.

$5 member discount (cash back) can be redeem on the evening for members. 


This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Festivals Australia program.

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